
Guaranteed SEO Services by Media Search Group

Want your website to reach the first page of Google? Our SEO experts guarantee top Google search rankings with ethical tactics. Get transparent reporting and proven strategies that deliver guaranteed results for your business!

Get Top Rank on Google Search Results, Qualified Leads and Increased Sales

Our ultimate goal is not just improving your website's search engine rankings, but also generating qualified leads and boosting your sales. By ranking you on the first page for your high-priority keywords, we will direct targeted organic traffic to your site. This increased visibility and authority will build trust and credibility with potential customers. Our SEO strategies will help convert visitors into leads by optimizing your website for conversions. With this comprehensive approach, we guarantee you will capture your ideal audience's attention, connect with them, and grow your business through enhanced online presence and visibility.

What Does SEO Guarantee Mean!

An SEO guarantee means that an agency promises to deliver specific rankings, traffic, and results for your website within a set timeframe. Unlike most agencies that make vague ranking promises, our SEO guarantee is transparent and performance-driven. We will get your website on the first page of Google for your target keywords or we will refund a portion of your investment. We stand by our strategic and ethical SEO practices that have consistently delivered results for over 500 businesses across India. Our guarantee showcases our confidence to rank your website higher and drive ROI.

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Our Guidelines for SEO Guarantee

Looking for an SEO company that provides proven results and stands behind its service? Unlike agencies that make vague ranking promises, we offer transparent search engine ranking services backed by guaranteed first page rankings. With over a decade of experience, our experts use ethical tactics to safely improve your search visibility and website traffic.

Offer a Unique SEO Ranking Guarantee

We Offer a Unique SEO Ranking Guarantee

Unlike other agencies, we provide a clear ranking guarantee - if we don't achieve first page rankings for your targeted keywords, we will refund a portion of your investment. With our proven SEO principles, we are confident we can increase your search engine visibility.

SEO Experts Follow Proven Strategies

Our SEO Experts Follow Proven Strategies

Our dedicated SEO experts have decades of combined experience optimizing websites for competitive industries. We stay up-to-date on Google's evolving algorithms and leverage proven white-hat tactics to rank sites.

White Hat SEO Tactics

We Use White Hat Tactics Only

We never use black hat or unethical techniques like keyword stuffing, hidden text, or link schemes. Our strategies align with Google's guidelines to achieve long-term rankings through relevant, high-quality content, backlinks, technical optimization, and user experience.

ethical SEO tactics

No Black Hat or Unethical Techniques

You can trust that we rely solely on ethical tactics to increase your search visibility. We won't jeopardize your site's reputation with spammy backlinks or other questionable techniques.

Transparent reporting and insights

We Are Transparent Throughout the Process

We provide full reporting and insights each month so you understand our strategies. This transparency means you are involved at each step.

Monthly Reporting and Strategy Calls

Monthly Reporting and Strategy Calls

Through monthly reports, data analysis, and strategy calls, we will keep you updated on rankings, traffic, leads and other key metrics. You'll have visibility into what's working and where we need to make adjustments.

Ready to guarantee your website's success with top search engine rankings? Contact us today!

Our Step-By-Step SEO Process

As one of the best guaranteed SEO service providers in India, our strategic approach to SEO follows a proven step-by-step process to safely improve your search engine rankings. From auditing your site to identify optimization opportunities to building high-quality backlinks and optimizing on-page elements, our experts execute targeted strategies tailored for your business goals. Read on for an overview of the methodical process we follow to guarantee you first page rankings.

We start by fully auditing your website to identify any issues hurting your search rankings and visibility. We check that your site follows technical SEO fundamentals and best practices.

Identifying Issues Hurting Your Rankings

Our SEO audit pinpoints problems like site errors, poor page speed, broken links, etc. so they can be fixed. This lays the groundwork for optimization.

Checking Technical SEO Fundamentals

We ensure your website has optimized title tags, meta descriptions, alt text, sitemaps, structured data, and more. These factors impact search visibility.

Our keyword research is the foundation of your SEO strategy. We identify the terms and phrases that are most relevant for your business and offerings.

Finding the Best Keywords for Your Business

Leveraging leading tools and our expertise, we discover low-competition keywords that align with your products or services. These become targets for content and ranking efforts.

Keyword Gap Analysis

We conduct analysis to compare where you currently rank for core keywords versus competitors. This allows us to identify opportunities to outrank other domain names in search results.

We optimize all the elements on your website pages that search engines evaluate when ranking pages. This improves findability and crawlability.

Optimizing Title Tags, Metadata, etc.

We optimize key on-page factors like title tags, header tags, meta descriptions, image alt text, schema markup and more with targeted keywords and phrases.

Improving Site Architecture

We ensure your overall site architecture, navigation and internal linking structure enables search bots to easily crawl and index all your important pages for better rankings.

We build high-quality backlinks from relevant external websites to improve your domain authority and guaranteed search engine rankings.

Manual Outreach for Quality Backlinks

Our experts personally reach out to webmasters and influencers to obtain contextual backlinks through guest posting opportunities, resource links, broken link building, and other white hat tactics.

Leveraging Partnerships and Guest Posts

We secure authoritative links by contributing guest posts to industry websites, collaborating with partners, and looking for other strategic ways to get reputable sites to link back to you.

We create optimized, valuable content that targets your ranking keywords to help improve search visibility.

FAQs, Articles, Infographics, Videos, etc.

Our writers produce different formats like blog posts, guides, FAQ pages, infographics, videos, and more that provide value for your audience.

Optimized for Ranking Keywords

All content aligns strategically with the terms and topics we are optimizing your site for. Keywords are incorporated organically to help pages rank.

For businesses with a physical location, we implement local SEO strategies to improve your visibility and rankings in map packs.

Google My Business Optimization

We ensure your Google My Business listing is completely filled out and optimized with your business information, photos, attributes, services, etc.

Building Local Links and Citations

We build your local relevance by getting your business cited on directory listings, review sites like Yelp, industry-specific directories, local blogs, and sites relevant for your geographic area.

We start by fully auditing your website to identify any issues hurting your search rankings and visibility. We check that your site follows technical SEO fundamentals and best practices.

Identifying Issues Hurting Your Rankings

Our SEO audit pinpoints problems like site errors, poor page speed, broken links, etc. so they can be fixed. This lays the groundwork for optimization.

Checking Technical SEO Fundamentals

We ensure your website has optimized title tags, meta descriptions, alt text, sitemaps, structured data, and more. These factors impact search visibility.

Our keyword research is the foundation of your SEO strategy. We identify the terms and phrases that are most relevant for your business and offerings.

Finding the Best Keywords for Your Business

Leveraging leading tools and our expertise, we discover low-competition keywords that align with your products or services. These become targets for content and ranking efforts.

Keyword Gap Analysis

We conduct analysis to compare where you currently rank for core keywords versus competitors. This allows us to identify opportunities to outrank other domain names in search results.

We optimize all the elements on your website pages that search engines evaluate when ranking pages. This improves findability and crawlability.

Optimizing Title Tags, Metadata, etc.

We optimize key on-page factors like title tags, header tags, meta descriptions, image alt text, schema markup and more with targeted keywords and phrases.

Improving Site Architecture

We ensure your overall site architecture, navigation and internal linking structure enables search bots to easily crawl and index all your important pages for better rankings.

We build high-quality backlinks from relevant external websites to improve your domain authority and guaranteed search engine rankings.

Manual Outreach for Quality Backlinks

Our experts personally reach out to webmasters and influencers to obtain contextual backlinks through guest posting opportunities, resource links, broken link building, and other white hat tactics.

Leveraging Partnerships and Guest Posts

We secure authoritative links by contributing guest posts to industry websites, collaborating with partners, and looking for other strategic ways to get reputable sites to link back to you.

We create optimized, valuable content that targets your ranking keywords to help improve search visibility.

FAQs, Articles, Infographics, Videos, etc.

Our writers produce different formats like blog posts, guides, FAQ pages, infographics, videos, and more that provide value for your audience.

Optimized for Ranking Keywords

All content aligns strategically with the terms and topics we are optimizing your site for. Keywords are incorporated organically to help pages rank.

For businesses with a physical location, we implement local SEO strategies to improve your visibility and rankings in map packs.

Google My Business Optimization

We ensure your Google My Business listing is completely filled out and optimized with your business information, photos, attributes, services, etc.

Building Local Links and Citations

We build your local relevance by getting your business cited on directory listings, review sites like Yelp, industry-specific directories, local blogs, and sites relevant for your geographic area.

What Should You Expect from a Top & Reliable SEO Agency

Rather than unrealistic guarantees, partner with an ethical SEO agency that:

  • Sets realistic timeframes aligned with your goals
  • Develops strategies tied to your key business KPIs
  • Provides transparent communication and reporting
  • Gives you access to analytics for tracking progress
  • Has an experienced team with proven expertise
  • Collaborates closely to utilize your insights
  • Boasts a portfolio of successful client results
  • Offers versatile experience across industries
The right agency works closely with you for an integrated approach that sustainably grows your organic visibility and conversions over time. They avoid quick fixes or black hat tricks. Invest instead in legitimate SEO founded on expertise, ethics and transparency.

Partner with India's Top SEO Agency Today

Take the first step towards guaranteed search engine rankings and increased visibility by connecting with our team.

Free SEO Audit and Consultation

As a leading guaranteed SEO service provider, we provide a complimentary audit analyzing your website's current SEO health, identifying improvements needed, and reviewing initial keyword opportunities. This customized audit establishes a data-driven foundation for our strategies.

See How We Can Help Rank Your Site

Schedule a no-obligation digital consultation with our SEO experts to discuss your business goals. We will evaluate your website and competition, explain our process, and provide recommendations to start boosting organic growth. Claim your free audit today to get proven guaranteed SEO results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

An SEO guarantee means we promise to achieve specific first page rankings, increased organic traffic levels, and predefined goals for your website within a defined month timeframe. This showcases our utmost confidence that our comprehensive, ethical SEO strategies will successfully rank your site higher in competitive search results.

Our guarantee is not tied to any single tactic - it represents our commitment to utilize our proven expertise and processes to measurably boost your visibility and search-driven business growth during the campaign. We put our reputation on the line to deliver transparent, guaranteed SEO success.

We are able to guarantee first page rankings because of our proven SEO process, extensive tracking and optimization experience, and our tailored approach. We conduct thorough analysis to understand your industry and competitors, identify the right keywords to target, and execute strategies customized for your business.

By ranking you on the first page of search results for your targeted keywords, you can expect increased organic traffic to your site, more leads and sales driven by search engine optimization, and higher brand visibility through prominent rankings. We will also provide regular analytics reporting to showcase the growth.

We use completely white hat, ethical techniques like content optimization, technical SEO, backlink building from authoritative sites, optimizing on-page elements, ensuring site security, improving site speed, leveraging social signals, building local SEO factors, and more. We avoid any black hat tactics.

Our detailed keyword research and competitor analysis identify terms we can target effectively for top rankings even in competitive spaces. Rather than going after only hard keywords, we strategize to rank your site for a blend of competitive and less competitive relevant keywords. This achieves overall high visibility.

If we do not achieve the first page ranking goals after 6 months, despite best efforts on an optimized website, we provide a partial refund proportional to the shortfall. But we have never failed to obtain guaranteed results for a client when these conditions were met.

Extremely aggressive competitor activity or Google algorithm changes during the guarantee period that significantly disrupt rankings industry-wide could impact results. Issues like website security breaches or unresponsive hosting providers could also prevent a guarantee.

Absolutely not. We use 100% white hat ethical strategies in alignment with Google's guidelines. We will never employ shady techniques like keyword stuffing, hidden text/links, or spam backlinking that could risk penalizing your website.

We are experienced specialists dedicated solely to SEO, not distracted by other marketing services. Our tailored SEO process has repeatedly delivered success for clients. And we stand behind our service with a verified ranking and results guarantee that demonstrates our capability to significantly grow your organic visibility and leads.

It depends on your current rankings and site, but we typically begin seeing significant rankings improvement within 4 to 6 months. To guarantee results, we provide a specific month timeline to achieve page 1 rankings for your priority keywords. Ongoing optimization then continues growth.

Have any Question and need to Talk with us Direct.